They may take our lives, but they will never stop our Referendum!
Within Scottish society there are many calls for
independence from Britain. In this day and age, we would not see events similar
to that of the feature film “Braveheart” to achieve this. Instead the process
goes through both the British and Scottish legal systems, resulting in a
nationwide vote. Plans for the national Scottish referendum were approved by
British parliament and has been set for September 18th later this
year. Following this, Scotland would once again become an independent sovereign

Many calls for independence come from a desire for Scotland
to stop paying large amounts of money as a part of the United Kingdom, in
particular military spending. Added to this is the identity crisis that many Scottish
people face. They assert that the international community sees Scotland as just
another part of the United Kingdom. When it comes to tourism, there are many
blurred lines in perceptions of the
different cultures and people within the United Kingdom, which are generalised
as British. Those seeking independence for Scotland desire to have their own
national identity, separate from the United Kingdom.

However this Republican movement appears to go against the majority of the population, who still wish to remain apart of the United Kingdom. Several recent polls have shown that over 50% of participants want to remain apart of Great Britain. The main advantages to this are economical, where upon independence many financial ties would be cut as well as losing the prestige of being apart of the United Kingdom. Along with this, there are many people within Scotland who are more likely to retain a sense of British identity having been born down south and moved north: they are internal UK migrants. The issue of independence will prove to be one of the greatest historical landmarks in Scottish history and will impact upon the lives of millions.
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